Thursday, May 17, 2007

I do.

H has a new phrase. In taking after his momma, industrial engineer extraordinaire, he continues to be an efficiency expert when it comes to speaking. His new catch all phrase? 'I do' This mean 'yes', and he uses it in that context and others.

Mom: 'H would you like to go outside?' H: 'I doooo'
Dad: 'Do you want a waffle for breakfast?' H:'I do'
Dad: 'Is it bathtime, H?' H: 'I doo'
H: 'Eat?!? I do.'

It's cute and funny. He's also started in with NO! We thought somehow we might have dodged that bullet, but out of the blue, while we were driving along the highway, he lets loose a stream of 'No. No. Nononononononono. Noooooooo. No no NO!' It was hilarious when it happened, though I'm sure in time, especially when he applies it with his will, then 'No' won't be so cute. Maybe we can teach him 'I don't'

1 comment:

Jamie H-M said...

Oh my, so true. The power of affirmation. As far as "I don't" that is amusing, too. But certainly I do came first and then NO! with a laugh and an expression of determination.
