Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Third Person

I am sorry I don't have any good pictures to post. I keep meaning to grab the camera to take a few shots but with all the boys walking and always in different directions, it's been somewhat tough. That said, they are all doing well.
H has been talking up a storm, though I think somewhere we went wrong by using the third person too frequently. I didn't realize we did it that often until I heard H consistently refer to himself as 'Henny' rather than 'I' or 'me'. I suppose this isn't a big deal, but our attempts to correct him always prove amusing.

H: Ousside?
Mom: You want to go outside?
H: Ok! Henny is going outside.
Mom: No H, 'I'm going outside'
H: Nooooooo!!!! Ousside! Ousside! Henny want to go ousside.
Mom: H that's what I meant. You can go outside. You'd say, 'I'm going outside'
H: Ok! Momma go ousside and Henny go ousside, too!!!!

This happens all the time.

H: Henny is cold
Mom: 'I am cold'
H (looks at dad with wonderment): Momma's cold too!!

Oh well, at least he's telling us what he wants, what he likes, and what he really doesn't.

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