Friday, February 8, 2008

ruling the roost

the B has decided to make a campaign of NOT going to sleep at night. oh yes, it is an all out rebellion to the 'sleep through the night' campaign that I started this December. We were doing well, but as I previously mentioned, the B has a secret weapon: the head bang. Which he uses cunningly: I’d rather be clubbed in the knee caps than listen to the sound of b head banging his brains out. Argh. So in order to prevent the head banging, there is a ritualistic dance involved in soothing this little boy to sleep. Arrrghh. But check out that little devil... see how cute he is? see how hard it is to stay frustrated at him?!
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1 comment:

ben&joanna said...

Hello! sorry it's taken so long to write (and I don't even have twins!). Ben says hello too and hopes you guys are doing well (he's staying pretty busy with school). feel free to email when you get the chance:
hope to hear from you!