Monday, January 14, 2008

Small Successes

We had a great Christmas break. I'm sorry I didn't do much posting as there were certainly many things to share; now that school is back in session, I end up spending more time on the computer and inevitably more time posting. So I'll try to catch up on all the happenings.
We did have a few goals lined up for the break including:

having H's speech assessed
we did have his speech assessed and while he is a little delayed, it was not enough for them to recommend speech therapy- we weren't very surprised at this given that H's speech has been gaining momentum for a couple of months now.

switching the babies over from formula to milk
this one turned out to be really easy we simply ran out of formula and moved onto milk... a few sore bottoms later that transition was easy success

stopping bottles and using cups (at all times)
accomplished- see picture above

getting B to sleep through the night
hahaha. one always has to set high goals for themselves right... this one is still eluding us.

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