Sunday, January 25, 2009


E and B are picking up language at an impressive rate. They are also honing their senses of humor.

E and B on the way to Mimi's house with Dad driving while I visit friends with H and M. E and B are in their seats, when
B [casually mentions apropos of nothing] 'E! E bite cow'
subsequent laughter
Dad [nonplussed]: 'E, did you bite a cow?
E: 'YES!'
Dad [in all seriousness]: 'What did it taste like?'
E [pausing for dramatic effect]: 'Fluffy'
Then bursts into great belly laughs
E: 'That's funny!'

People often ask us if the twins have a shared, special language- a twin dialect, if you will. And while they both (mis)pronounce words in the same fashion, I would not call it their own language because we can understand most of it, usually....

Last weekend as we were driving home from the Cost-cow, in a post shopping trip hot dog induced calm, E bellows from the back seat, 'Hey! Dumb Fuck!!'
Huh? I briefly wondered if he was talking to me. I glanced back to see E pointing enthusiastically at a dump truck merging into the lane next to ours. Ah, good to see that E is carrying on the family tradition.

1 comment:

Mickie said...

oh my! now that is funny!