A had the great idea to move the twins to beds of their own. I'll freely admit that I wasn't wild about this idea at first: this means we now have three little independent minded beings able to wander the house nocturnally. Yet, it also means that there is no longer a crib upon which to bang one's head. While it was very hard for us to discern if B was banging his head for attention reasons (bored and wanting to get out of bed) or for headache reasons associated with his chiari (to get our attention because he was having a headache), we agonized over him doing it regardless.
The bed has brought some clarity. B has stopped headbanging. He now hops out of bed and demands for 'Dad-dee, tuckie in' A much welcomed request for being tucked in as opposed to the rhythmic banging that we've been subjected to for a long while. It is also difficult to know how his headaches/chiari stuff is going. His appointment with the neurosurgeon this month went well. He did not feel that B's chiari had worsened or that the flow of his spinal fluid was significantly blocked. He still is waking up a lot at night, but I'm trying to take a step back and consider the possibility that B simply has us trained. I think I might work on a little sleep hygiene with him over my spring break...
1 comment:
I'm glad the transition went well. Keep me posted on how things go!
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