H has been working on understanding the differences between men and women. For a long time, he thought (perhaps he still does) that all babies are born girls. And that somehow, they morph into boys. And his concept of aging is still developing. In the magical way that children's minds work, this did not come out as a clear, concrete thought but rather was expressed abstractly for several months after M's birth. H would say things like, 'When I grow up, I want to be little. I want to be a baby girl.' And he'd also say things like, 'When I grow up, I'm going feed my baby with a breast.' I think his mind and development are amazing. He obviously is working out his jealousy and fascination at M being a baby, getting a lot of attention and of being breastfed. He claims to want to 'Be little for Halloween. I want to be a baby and be held.' I know, I know. I find it bittersweet too. But he is managing ok and his concepts of boys becoming men seems to more solid lately. He's begun mimicking A: he wants to wear a belt every morning 'like Daddy' and he is so excited to 'grow up and be a Daddy' but he was a little disappointed to hear that he won't be getting breasts after all....
He's been copying A in other aspects as well. The other day, after he finished picking out his outfit, donning his belt and getting his sweatshirt zipped, he ran into our room announcing, 'Here is a handsome debell' Yes, H, you are becoming like your Daddy, that handsome devil.
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