The boys were recipients of many wonderful gifts this Christmas. And they have been making full use of them. When we first opened this gift, E could wait to get it out of the box so that he could climb in. After climbing all over and body slamming it into a crumpled heap (E likes to show boxes who's boss), the box was sent to the recycling bin with the satisfaction it had gone above and beyond the call of duty.
But we have been getting lots of mileage out of the gifts. H loves to 'play trucks' and he regularly refers to the trucks given by people such as 'Mimi's truck'. And of course, there are trucks that remind him of ones he loved in Minnesota (mostly the construction trucks) which he refers to as 'Lala's trucks'. 'Play trucks!!' H demands of us on a regular basis. 'Lala's truck' he commands me. I guess this means I'm supposed to push the truck around making truck noises. What fun. However, I wish H would take a clue from B, who delights in pushing the dump truck all around the room, squealing 'Whheee' behind it the whole time. Very cute.
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