Wednesday, January 30, 2008

How Little E became big EyeDot

Little E isn't so little any longer. This may not come as as surprise to the regular reader given how he's been looking more and more toddler-like for the last couple of months, but it still surprises me to see him walking around and seeking out trouble. The little E was so small when we brought him home. And after a bout of RSV, he was only more fragile-- little with a large wracking cough.

But those days are no longer, the little E is now a big guy. With big plans too, I might add. In fact, he walks almost all the time now and he is quite proficient. He also likes to make his desires known: 'EyeDot!' He cries if someone else is given food/drink/a toy of interest. We have taken 'EyeDot' to be what E calls himself, that is, his version of his name. And it's great to see him advocating for himself in such a vocal manner. It's much more effective than banging one's head on the floor (ahem, B)....
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