B has a word of his own. 'Yuck' which he says with every bit the emphasis of disgust. I have to admit he learned this word from me. As B spends a lot of time trying to investigate yucky things: the toilet bowl, eating dirt, chewing on the A&D ointment tube, taste testing all types of paper products, and generally grossing me out on a regular basis, he hears the word a lot. 'B, Yuck!' I point out as I haul him away from the toilet. 'Yuuuuckk!' he happily agrees. 'yuck, yuck yuck' It's become a mantra for the boy. He repeats it over and over again as he goes about his day playing with toys. When I arrive home from school, he greets me with a 'yuck', a giant smile and a little gleam in his eye.
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