Monday, October 22, 2007

Pee, I dooo!

H has taken it upon himself to start using the potty. 'Pee.... Pee? I do. I do.' he'll announce. As we found out this weekend, if he's only wearing a diaper (and no pants), he'll whisk his diaper off and proceed to demonstrate his peeing skills. However, if we are able to interceed before the de-diapering, then we march off to his small potty to behold the magic. H pees in the potty. He is very pleased with himself. And so are we.

We haven't made much of potty training yet. We casually will mention it as a nebulous idea for the future. 'One day, H, you'll pee in the potty too.' As I joke with the pediatrician, we are in the diaper business right now, what's one more to change? But I think that H will be making the transition on his own. I'm sure it will take some effort on our part, but for now, doing it at his pace is working just fine.
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