Although you wouldn't be able to tell from his picture, B and E have had ear problems. Poor B has had an ear infection for going on 3.5 weeks. He's been a trooper. At first he woke up a lot at night. Crying and crawling up my front-- all good indications that he was in extreme pain. He's gone on a hunger strike, only drinking bottles when absolutely starving- I guess because swallowing also proves very painful. E has taken his ear infections more like H- a little crabby always wanting to be held, but otherwise fairly stoic though his infection hasn't been ongoing for the last month.
Poor babies, all we can do is wait for the inevitable referral to the pediatric ENT. But in the meantime, the boys are somewhat unhappy. Hopefully, we can persuade our pediatrician to send us earlier than H-- though on a positive note, H has been otitis media free since he got his tubes!
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