Thursday, April 8, 2010

Making my day.

As I'm lying on the lower bunk singing song with B and E tonight before bedtime, E loudly squawks, 'Ooouch. Ouchouchouchouch.'
'E' I ask alarmed, 'what happened?'
'Ohhhhhh. My finnger. My poor, poor finger,' he wails.
I hold my breath waiting to see if this will escalate.
He continues groaning dramatically, 'Oh man!' [I stifle laughter as this phrase always sounds funny coming from him], 'I hurt my finger.'
'Well, does it need a kiss, E?'
'Yes,' [whimpering] 'it does'.
I start to haul myself up, untangling from the comforter when I hear,
I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

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