Despite a botched Christmas pictures and the endless stream of loitering viruses we have of late, there is much I am grateful for this year. Including, but not limited to:
1) Potty trained (more or less) twins... which means less money spent on diapers which opens up the cash flow for things like toilet and tile cleaner.... that heady urea saturated memories of childhood come flooding (or puddling) back every time I step foot in our bathroom. On the list of things I plan to conquer this year includes: how to wipe one's bottom (in a non-half assed fashion) and second how to aim without marking the toilet leaving proof that you were in fact there. Overall though, it's a huge step forward and I'm excited for their initiative and hard work in the ptd (potty training department).
2) Montessori School. It fosters independence and thorough investigation into how it all works. H is very insistent on the details of how exactly did he get in my belly? But who made him? Mommy and Daddy? But how? How Momma? How did I get in there? What am I made of? I'm made of skin and bones and nerves and muscles? But well, how did I start? A cell? Who put the cell there?
Heh. Every day I am amazed at the connections and nuances he picks up on. Every day he has new observations and new questions, but he seems to find time to circle back to the ones that he doesn't quite have the whole story on....
3) Medical School. Or more specifically: the paucity of rotations which remain: 3. woot. And Interviews for residency... giving me the opportunity to glimpse the future.
4) Family and Friends. Without whom, there would be no one to share the highs and the lows, the hilarity and the frustrations. We continue to be happy and grateful for wonderful parents, warm and reliable child care, and caring friends.
Hope you all had a feastful and thankful weekend.
i am noting that you are the only one holding a beer ;)
Optimism, pessimism; good times, bad times: we all need to keep our center, which is another word for the soul, and we must all communicate. "Resolve what stands between you and your loved one." Start a conversation with
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