Sunday, September 13, 2009

big kids now

well ok, maybe not big, big kids but certainly bigger. This summer has been highly successful in the tricycle/vehicle riding department. All three boys can pedal with prowess and hours are spent outside every day riding christmas tractors, trikes, and recently, the scooter. M has even joined in on the action, directing her brothers when they query which direction she desires to go. She also will wave to passing crowds, blowing raspberries to her adoring fans.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

speaking another language

The other day, E jabs his finger in the direction of A's neck.

E: What's that called?
A: My neck?
E: No that. ::Pressing on A's thyroid cartilage::
A: Oh, that's my Adam's apple. Behind it is my voice box.
E: Huh. What's it called in German?
A: [??] I don't know E.
E: [authoritatively] I think it's a who-who.
A: Really? A who-who?
E: Yes! A who-who.

Who knew?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

excuse me?

We're on vacation again. Photos to come. But we had the pleasure of all sitting down to eat together (apparently an unusual event).
H eats his meal quickly and announces "I'm finished with this." He leaps up from the table.
"H," I say gently, "you need to say 'excuse me please' "
H turns around immediately, "But momma," he looks confused, "I didn't toot!"