Thursday, November 6, 2008

Turkey Tell-All

Greetings from November. I am happy to report that we are all present and accounted for- despite some ear infections (yes, I know! with tubes and everything...) and some dissention in the ranks (our junior officer has been grumbling an awful lot lately... there is not enough cheese in Wisconsin to accompany the whining we've witnessed).

I'm not exactly sure why we're not the house of joy at the moment. It might have a little to do with lack of sleep. Thanks to colds and subsequent coughs, Little E has been having trouble catching his breath. Though he must hoard it, saving it all until the middle of the night to let out pitiful (yet blaring) pleas for 'Daaaddeeee' at 12 2 and 4. And he does sound like a little old man- a wheezy, phlegmy. pneumatic old man-- but despite those fog horn wake up calls, he is in good spirits most of the time.

B has his good days and his 'I'm in danger of being put up for adoption' days (only joking... of course). He also has been battling an ear infection and sinus infection. And to top it off, also has time change and antibiotic induced diarrhea to contend with. He really hates the time change as it messes with his nap schedule fiercely. Poor guy- but when he isn't beside himself in a puddle of two induced tantrum, he is busy germily loving all over his sister- he is certainly her most loyal subject and prides himself in prewetting all of her pacifiers before they touch her lips.

After reading over this, I'm beginning to think that my children may have inherited their ability to whine from a near relative... Oh dear-- in truth, this post is a reflection of present daily life- full of complaints, germs, exhaustion and most of all humor. The humor helps of course (so does the coffee) and despite the colds and the tantrums, we've been out to quite a few places recently: the state fair, the natural history museum, local parks and malls. This may account for some of the colds, but I'll be blaming school instead. The little boys are talking-- this of course allows for more verbalization of discontent- but that's a huge improvement over a horrific, toe curling tantrum. E even manages to give orders at this point, 'No, I want you to do it!' It comes out a little garbled, but clear as bell to me and A.

So as I said, we're into November with December on the horizon. Promises of new colds, hopefully another set of ear tubes, and the Holidays are in the future. We're looking forward to spending these quality moments with friends and family, probably giving them something to be thankful about (like their own homes), and to sharing a good laugh. All I can say is bring on the Thanksgiving wine (err I mean Turkey...)!

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