7 lbs 12 oz
20 in
7 lbs 12 oz
20 in
Miss M was born at 6:02 yesterday (October 2). We arrived at the hospital for our induction at noon after several delays. Things started out slowly. While we waited for my pitocin drip (the medication that brings on contractions) to be started, A read to me. My mom joined the party around 1:30 and the pitocin spiced things up at 2. Being an old hand at this induction thing (haha), I requested my epidural immediately. Not for pain, but because my doctor won't break water until the epidural is inserted. Since waiting for the anesthesiologist was the longest part of the twins' induction, I opted for sooner rather than later. The epidural team was quick and efficient; my water was broken at 4:15. Alas they must have put saline in the epidural at first because my contractions were feeling intense. By 5:15 I had gone from 4 cm dilated to 6. Yes, a lousy six. The doctors wisely suggested calling the anesthesiologist back in to increase the dose a touch. Viola that did the trick. At 5:40, I booted [kindly directed] my mom out of the room to find the nurse and the doctor. Shortly thereafter, little M made her way into the world. It was an extremely rewarding and straightforward birth.
Congrats!!! How exciting! I'll be praying you get some sleep soon.
Congratulations, M!!! I know everyone is so excited to have a girl in the family. I can't wait to meet baby M.
Yay! Congrats! What a full house!
My goodness, your family just keeps getting bigger and better! I think you will be amazed at the way M takes on the world vs. the way the boys do...right now I am just hoping she is a good sleeper.
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