Sunday, June 8, 2008

Leader of the pack (ask H to insert motorcycle noises here)

H rules the roost round these parts. There is no question. H decides who sits in which car seats 'I want to sit on Momma's side' he announces. And he leads his brothers in minor schemes. 'We're gonna go get money and go ta Target' He tells them. 'We're gonna take the little gray car. Needa get your crocs on, BE (he condenses their initials to be ultra efficient when referring to them both). And with E with a right navy shoe on the left foot and B with the matching left shoe on his right foot-- they're off. But they only make it as far as the front door where H's plan comes to an abrupt halt as Mom or Dad foil their well laid plans. 'Nooo,' dispairs H, tears rolling down his face, 'but we needa go out. BE are ready to go!'

H can be extremely helpful too around the house. He is good at getting specific items when asked, we could practically hire him out to vacuum people's houses he's such a pro, and H keeps up a lively commentary about everything. Watching his preferences and understanding of the world unfold is amazing and yet exhausting at times too.

But that is not all that H is up to, no that is not all. He is fascinated with the letter 'H'. We went to a hotel the other day, after inspecting the front desk, he proudly declared, 'This is mine. It has an 'H'.' Sure enough, Hotel Reception belongs to H. And he likes to say reassuringly, 'Daddy, you're a good boy. I love you.' (He does not say this to his Momma... but he does point out on occasion that Momma is a girl and BE, H and Daddy are boys.) In general, he keeps us laughing out loud on a regular basis and continually amazed at what he is learning and who he is becoming.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. I can't believe how much Henry has changed in one year. I can't wait to see him next week. =) Petra and I are planning a trip to the mall...