Sunday, May 4, 2008

dropping a nap

H rarely needs a nap these days. Well, let me amend that to say, we wish H didn't take a nap. While he is certainly a little weary(some) by the end of the day without one, if he gets nap, then he's awake until 9. It's a battle to get him to stay in his room, to read books by himself, to do anything except harass us as we try to get homework/projects done. During the weekends, when H goes napless, the good times roll: easy bedtimes and footloose and fancy free nights for us.

But on occasion, the commitments of playing outsides, riding his motorcycle, and ruling the roost, catch up with a guy. And he has been known to curl up on the couch with Oaks to catch a few winks.

1 comment:

P's mom said...

Too funny! I didn't even notice Oaks in this pic until I read your entry!