Saturday, May 31, 2008

Work and School Updates

While not completely kid-related, on a family note, I wanted to share that A graduated with his masters degree a few weeks ago. He did really well in all of his classes but showed particular prowess in MatLab and all things radiation. His thesis defended without a glitch and he's finishing up a paper for submission.

But that left us at a bit of a crossroads: after looking for jobs in the area, we determined that without a PhD it was unlikely to find a job here. Thus the search was expanded to other cities that had a medical school... And he found a great opportunity in Madison (yes, the frozen tundra of Sconnie) and started the interview process with the company. In the meantime, he continued to look for something down here. He was offered three opportunities: to continue his education with a PhD or to work in as an imaging physicist resident here or to work as a medical physicist (with salary! and benefits! and very cool job description!) in WI.

After a lot of hand wringing and thought, he decided to stay on and do a PhD-- he should be finished the same time I am- and that will mean we don't have to move, uprooting the various support networks we have in place.

Friday, May 23, 2008

the beach

We're back from our little beach getaway. There were moments of greatness: sunny boys, the delight of the ocean! and the wawa!, and there were hairy times: B and E practicing their pitching skills as they hurled diapers, sippy cups and a few unknowns off the balcony into the unsuspecting bushes below... aye, the joys of toddlers.

All told, it was fun and as always: it's great to be back.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

dropping a nap

H rarely needs a nap these days. Well, let me amend that to say, we wish H didn't take a nap. While he is certainly a little weary(some) by the end of the day without one, if he gets nap, then he's awake until 9. It's a battle to get him to stay in his room, to read books by himself, to do anything except harass us as we try to get homework/projects done. During the weekends, when H goes napless, the good times roll: easy bedtimes and footloose and fancy free nights for us.

But on occasion, the commitments of playing outsides, riding his motorcycle, and ruling the roost, catch up with a guy. And he has been known to curl up on the couch with Oaks to catch a few winks.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Adventures in Toddlerhood

The babies are full out toddlers. They are into everything. And somehow, perhaps because there are two of them, but more likely because they are unique beings, these boys are more mischievous than H. They like to get into everything. Throwing pans, lids, Tupperware, diapers, clothes down the stairs, and anything in the pantry count high on the list of favorite past times. They also enjoy being outside and spend hours on the swing set, eating sand out of the sandbox, and pulling the flowers off the various bushes around the yard. They try on mom and dad's shoes on a regular basis. And their vocabularies overlap almost completely. Both boys can say: Daddy, doggie, ball, Elliott, out, eat, apple (though B usually calls it a ball), a word that means drink (they both use approximately the same unintelligible word), blankie, book, toothbrush (again another nonsense word). B can say bird, momma, woof, and baa. E says 'more' and he knows more words than B when asked to identify things in a book.

Overall, they enjoy each others' company though they still get furious with each other on occasion. But when B is having a tantrum about something, E generally comes over to pat his head and his back with some reassuring, comforting thwacks.
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