Sunday, March 16, 2008

Dad's Birthday

So in late news (as in a month late), we headed up to the mountains for what is now becoming an annual tradition of celebrating dad's birthday at a beautiful cabin up there. It was interesting to compare it to last year's experience to this year's: the babies at 15 months versus 3 months really weren't much better sleepers than last year. Though when they did get up, usually bringing them to bed helped. That king sized bed got cozy quickly... do they make family-of-five sized?

Anyway, the babies also were into everything. We are lucky in that most people/places we visit are fairly child proofed--- alas, mountain cabin was not. The calling card of destruction wasn't too bad this time (I think we'll be allowed to return), but it was strenuous keeping so many things out of their reach.

That said, it was great to spend time with Lala, Grandpa, Mimi and Poppa. I'm not sure the feeling was completely mutual (haha) but our wild little monkeys continue to grow and explore and soon won't be so little (and really, let's hope not so wild).

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