Today was T-day. The babies got PE tubes placed in their ears. They were angels and the whole thing went better than predicted- granted Dad and I have gotten better at pinpointing the reality of any undertaking involving the boys and babies (plan appropriately and then add 30 extra minutes so as not to disappoint yourself).
Honestly, we were expecting little E to be nearly in a food deprived coma and the Bopper to be projecting his (and E's) displeasure in loud measure. But both babies were fairly happy, despite the lack of morning meal (or their usually elevensies). They were groggy and unhappy after the surgery but bounced back nicely. While it may take a couple of weeks to know how the tubes are working, we are pleased that everything went well. And of course that none of us was too traumatized by it all.
1 comment:
Oh hooray for T day! Happy Tubing and hopefully happy "rents" as well.
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