The babies have recently started interacting with one another. They spend time smiling at each other, trying to chew on the other's arm. H also interacts well with them- calling them 'babies' and chortling with delight as he pats them on the head- or sits on them.
This past weekend we went to the beach. It was a little cold- a little rainy- but it was nevertheless lots of fun.

We went to the aquarium where H had lots of fun examining the sharks and fish in the huge tank. He also loved the beach where it was hard to convince him that the 50 degree water was freezing.
1 comment:
Part of the reason why ALL little kids have this universal fascination with aquariums and fish is because they can get really close to the fish with their noses up against the aquarium glass, as Henry is demonstrating here. You simply can’t go wrong if you take your child anywhere where there is an aquarium. Even Walmart (I am sure they did lots of marketing research and figured out that putting an aquarium in their store was a sure way to keep mothers with toddlers there longer –pure evil)!
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