Well looks like my weekly posting goals have become monthly ones. But just a quick note to let you know that we are doing well. The boys have been doing lots of 'swimming' this summer. E in particular loves to be in the water. A little fish. B is also a busy fellow. He continues to give amazing bear hugs and loves to snuggle (even if in spurts). And H, he's made the leap to pottying. I'm happy to report it had nothing to do with us: he started at camp and hasn't looked back. There have been a few slipups, but he's doing great.
A and I continue to be extremely busy with school/boys/and the hospital. I've averaged 80 hours a week and it is only due to a lot of help from our amazing au pair, my parents but more than anyone, A has managed to keep the house clean, the boys happy and growing and me sane. But don't worry, I am here to reassure everyone that I am not even remotely considering a career in surgery. Hopefully, more reasonable hours are on the horizon.